Monday, January 10, 2011

ten things i need to work on

1.  not procrastinating
2.  trusting
3.  my relationship with God
4.  being outgoing
5.  taking initiative
6.  serving God
7.  figuring out what to do with my life
8.  living in the moment
9.  being less judgmental
10.  sharing

I have practically mastered the art of procrastination.  It's ridiculous and it has started to affect my life in serious ways, and I don't like that.  So I'm trying to change.

I have troubles trusting people, but I am not really sure as to why.  I want to change that.

I always work on my relationship with God, but I think that it sometimes gets bumped down on my priority list.  I want that to change.

I am not an outgoing person. At all.  I never have been.  But I want to work on taking the initiative to break out of my shell and change and be the outgoing person that I think I can be.

I love serving God.  Everything about it is so great.  I want to keep doing that.  It was a struggle this past semester being away from home and my normal routine, but I can't use that excuse anymore.  I need to challenge myself to find opportunities in Des Moines.  Maybe Young Life will actually happen in DSM and so much of this would change.

I wish I could say that without a doubt I know that I am going to be a pharmacist when I (hopefully) graduate in 5.5 years, but that's so unrealistic.  I have no idea.  I mean, I'm strangely good at chemistry and I like it, which is also strange, but is that what I want my life to be about?  If I want my life to be about God, should I be a pharmacist? can I still be a pharmacist? should I change majors?

I'm always planning.  My goal is to change that, and just live in the now.  Enjoy the moment.  Stop and smell the roses.

I hate being judgmental.  Hate it.  I still want to hate it just as much, but I want to change how I view others.

I want to share my life and my experiences and my stories and my mistakes and my lessons with other people.  I want to share my blog with other people.  I want to stop keeping everything so secretive and open up for a change.

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