Sunday, January 23, 2011

Church Search: First Federated Church

One of my goals this semester besides school related things is to find a church in Des Moines that I like and  would be proud to call my church away from home.  I'm not really sure what I'm looking for at all, but I'm trying to keep an open mind and just see where God leads me.  What I really want is for my church in Peoria to be picked up and placed in Des Moines.  Which, crazy enough, is why I chose my first church to try.  First Federated Church in Des Moines coincidentally has the same name as the church I belong to in Peoria (First Federated Church of Peoria).

So I went to the 8:30 service this morning.  I liked the pastor and the message and the way they projected Bible verses and song lyrics onto screens at the front of the room.  I didn't particularly enjoy the songs they sang, which was a real bummer because music is a huge part how I worship.  Not that I was expecting it, but it was definitely nothing like my church in Peoria.

I know that this church search will take time, but I really just want to find a church I love.  Right now.  Patience is difficult.

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