Monday, January 3, 2011

mondays aren't always so bad

Highs of my day:

Cooking and baking with my friends Anne and Natalie for our Young Life leader, Summer, who just had her third baby girl, Alice Jane.  Both mom and baby are doing great, and were so excited for the treats we brought over.  I like doing these kind of things.  I like being helpful and caring for people.  Summer was beyond appreciative, which made me feel even better about helping her out.  She deserves it.

Something about babies just makes me in awe.  Holding baby Alice today was so peaceful.  She's so beautiful and tiny and intricate and innocent.  Holding her put this image in my head of God and me.  That God made every person to be beautiful and tiny and intricate and innocent, and that He holds us in his arms every single day.  I like that.

alice jane

Playing tennis with my doubles player from high school.  Maureen's still a senior, so it was good to catch up and reminisce about our glory days on the court.  With senior year comes all the crazy ups and downs, but she's been a trooper and stayed strong through it all.  I admire her strength.

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