Tuesday, January 4, 2011

6 reasons why today was spectacular

1.  Maggie Shadid got hired for CTDC.  Yay :) I love when people I love are happy.  Maggie is so ready for this and she's gonna be a rockstar for sure.  Plus, this means we get to spend time together at Tecumseh this summer. Best thing ever.

2.  I got to play with (babysit) Elle and Matthew.  These kids are adorable and such fun.  Kids bring such joy to my life.  They are just always so carefree, and it's such a change from my daily life to be around kids like that.  This sign in Elle's room says it all.  So true.

3.  Elle calls me "Sarah Mooney."  All the time.  Seriously.  Even when it's completely unnecessary, like when we're playing a game, she'll say, "Sarah Mooney, is it my turn?" or "Sarah Mooney, can I have some orange juice?"  She's so presh.

4.  My biology grade from fall semester got rounded up.  Awesome.  Grades are super important to me, and even though I have absolutely no idea why it got changed, I'm not asking any questions.  Just thanking God for that blessing.

5.  As a direct result of number four, I made the Dean's List at Drake.  I'm so pumped because according to my mom, "This is a big deal, Sarah!"  And yes, grades are a big deal to me, and I'm so excited about this.  I worked my butt of this semester, so this is reward is graciously accepted.

6.  Scheduling makes me really excited.  Today I played around with trying to get better teachers, classes, and an awesome schedule for next semester, and after lots of stress emailing professors, I have a schedule for next semester that I am excited for.  I dropped a boring US History class for  "The Life and Teachings of Jesus," which fulfills my history requirement, and I am truly excited for this class.  Plus, an added bonus is that Michelle Lippoli and I will be in class together.  I like being friends with her.

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