Friday, April 20, 2012

Things I Learned Today

-  One of my favorite things is watching someone care for someone else more than themselves.
-  You can never say "I love you" too many times, as long as you mean it.  In fact, you should probably remind people how much you do really love them.  They'll probably remind you in return.
-  Grumpy attitudes are no good.
-  Life is beautiful.
-  Being artistic calms me down and makes me happy.
-  Not all lists have to be numbered.
-  In this chapter of life, I have some of the greatest friends that I have ever had.
-  I miss working with kids everyday.
-  If you ever contract leprosy, your immune system blindly determines if you'll express Tuberculoid Leprosy or Lepromatous Leprosy.
-  "Only humans can cry tears.  Did you know that?"  - Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Highs of the day

This week has been one of the hardest in a while for a multitude of reasons, but I'm trying to find the good parts about it and focus my attention on seeking out positivity and joy amongst everything else.

1.  Eating lunch with great friends and laughing and taking a break from class and the library and school
2.  Skyping with Olivia and catching up and reminiscing together
3.  Being able to focus and be productive in the library
4.  Being so excited for prom for Michelle
5.  Seeing Emily randomly on campus and screaming at her
6.  Dragging giant tree branches around and laughing so hard on Sunday night
7.  When Kellie texts me because she is just so excited for summer and simply cannot wait the remaining 43 days until staff training begins
8.  Taking a homework break to blog and remembering that I really do love blogging
9.  Interviewing my grandparents on the phone for class and their excitement to talk to me
10.  My parents being so great about everything and always wanting to support and encourage me