Friday, May 6, 2011

top ten unique things i really love about camp tecumseh

1.  seeing my counselors from previous years and have them actually remember me
2.  calling soda "pop" because of pop stop, even though it's really called soda
3.  when someone asks you if the bracelet you're making is for them, and it really is, but you say no, so that they're really surprised when you actually give it to them
4.  michelle and i always go to the bathroom while our parents are waiting in line for check-in. there's always paint in the sink.  i like that, for some odd reason.
5.  when i take the brookston exit off of the interstate and start uncontrollably shaking and smiling cause i'm just so excited
6.  buddy check at the lake when everyone has a friend.  it makes me happy that nobody is alone.
7.  being an assistant lifeguard with sarah wright
8.  having so many choices of cereal every morning
9.  we always stop in watseka and get subway on our way to camp with my parents.  i can't not stop in watseka.
10.  you can start a trend in the morning, and by devotion time, everyone in all of camp knows about it.

nothing beats tecumseh.


  1. I love #5. That's my favorite.

  2. oh my gosh. such insight. such wisdom. can we somehow make 7 happen again even though i'm still not actually a lifegaurd?

  3. sarah take me under your wing and help me pass the lifeguarding test! i'm so nervous!
