Friday, May 6, 2011

top ten random things about me

1.  my socks never match.  unless they are tall socks, then they have to match.
2.  when i was younger, i always wanted my name to be jennifer.  to this day, when i have to make up a name for myself, i say jen or jenny or jennifer.
3.  I have a lot of pairs of friends with the same name:
Kaitlin and Caitlin
Michelle and Michelle
Natalie and Natalie
I have an uncountable amount of Sarah friends
4.  i love pictures. like the real kind that you go get developed and then put in photo albums,
5.  i have a slight obsession with hannah montana.  as in i may or may not have purchased hannah montana crocs...
6.  i'm a baby and didn't get my ears pierced until i was 18. and i still had to have my friend natalie come with me and hold my hand.
7.  i hate chocolate (which people never remember about me) but i have brown hair and brown eyes
8.  i really do not like talking on the phone.  i'm an awkward phone-talker.
9.  I just finished my last class of my freshman year.  it's really strange and i feel like i wasted an entire year.  but i actually didn't; i did a lot of things this year.
10.  i've made funfetti cupcakes at least 5 times this year.

i like blog hops :)


  1. 1. Unless you're wearing Hannah Montana Socks
    2. OH. MY. GOSH. me too.
    5. Remember that one time you tried to blame that on me?

    Love you. Good work on the lists :)

  2. love this. please wear the crocs all summer.

  3. nbd. I have purple crocs..we can go get ice cream in them together. :)
