I miss Jamie Zurawski.
I wish I was in WI with my family to be with my sister in real life.
I wish everyone was nice.
Week 4 shosho girls are hilarious.
Mouseimillion is still on my shoulder.
I really like being friends with Maddie.
I hate LSDs.
I cannot wait to see whatever part of my family can come on Sunday.
I am excited for my sister to live in camp world for two weeks and learn how to be a leader and make up a sweet CILT cheer/song and live the life in the longhouse.
I feel like it's not really that hard to be polite. I mean, I was a polite 15-year-old girl.
This week has probably been the best for me, personally.
I feel like I'm really a counselor.
I'm finding joy in everyday and (almost) every activity.
This post relates right now. This is how I feel about people not at camp. I wanna be there to hug and love them. I wish life was smooth and effortless, but I understand that nobody would be the person they are without rough spots. I also know that God puts rough spots in our lives so we turn to Him and rely on him for support, growing in our relationship with Him.