Saturday, July 16, 2011

well this is delayed... june pics

 so much camp-ness

 my baby at lake michigan

 cooking out with keith

 HMS Marsh.  Boom.

 country hoe down glen girls!


 my partner's the

 love my shoshos.

 CT DGs!

 so great.

 brock likes doritos.

 we're just so cool.

 can't believe i captured this miracle moment


 yeah tennis.


P-town love.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

current thoughts

I miss Jamie Zurawski.
I wish I was in WI with my family to be with my sister in real life.
I wish everyone was nice.
Week 4 shosho girls are hilarious.
Mouseimillion is still on my shoulder.
I really like being friends with Maddie.
I hate LSDs.
I cannot wait to see whatever part of my family can come on Sunday.
I am excited for my sister to live in camp world for two weeks and learn how to be a leader and make up a sweet CILT cheer/song and live the life in the longhouse.
I feel like it's not really that hard to be polite. I mean, I was a polite 15-year-old girl.
This week has probably been the best for me, personally.
I feel like I'm really a counselor.
I'm finding joy in everyday and (almost) every activity.
This post relates right now.  This is how I feel about people not at camp.  I wanna be there to hug and love them.  I wish life was smooth and effortless, but I understand that nobody would be the person they are without rough spots.  I also know that God puts rough spots in our lives so we turn to Him and rely on him for support, growing in our relationship with Him.